I can't believe we're in September now. I love the month, I mean, I have a milestone birthday and a milestone anniversary this month but geesh. It was just January. Time flies as they say. As many of you know, I lost my brother last month. He was an amazing person one of those rare gentle souls that leave us all too quickly. To say I will miss him is a horrible understatement. Understandably, I took some time off and as a result have shifted some book releases around. I know you're okay with that, many of you have written me, sent cards and I am so grateful. Thank you for all the little kindnesses you sent our way. The next scheduled release is A Haunting at Dixie House (Gulf Coast Paranormal #5) and I'm entirely in love with the ghost of Vita. The majority of the ghosts in this book are set in the 1920s and it was so much fun weaving in Prohibition and old Mobile history. That book is up for preorder and releases on September 15th! (Two days after my anniversary!)
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